Features and functional components in the use of artificial intelligence in human capital development (higher education as a model)

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Abaker Abdelbanant Adam Ibrahim


The study addressed the role of artificial intelligence applications in enhancing educational and learning strategies in higher education, by improving administrative functions; raising the efficiency of scientific and cognitive capabilities, and developing scientific research, in an improved educational environment, in addition to revealing the potential obstacles that accompany the process of using electronic machines. The study concluded that artificial intelligence has an effective role in enhancing and improving the performance of higher education institutions, which made the learning process more efficient, so there is an urgent need to raise awareness among stakeholders in education about the importance of using artificial intelligence applications in teaching and learning strategies, and not to make challenges an obstacle in employing human resources. The study relied on the descriptive analytical method to reveal the role of artificial intelligence and its applications in developing human capital in higher education institutions.

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How to Cite
Ibrahim , A. A. A. (2024). Features and functional components in the use of artificial intelligence in human capital development (higher education as a model). ESTIDAMAA, 2024, 1-6. https://doi.org/10.70470/ESTIDAMAA/2024/001